Friday, July 31, 2009

Calling for donations

Friday, July 31, 2009
Well, I spent Moo-Ma's nap times today making a pendant and earring set to go into a prize hamper at Handmade Heaven, and they turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself!

Not the usual sort of stuff that I do, but certainly nice for a change, and it meant I had to dig into my bead stash and see what has been lurking there.

I also love what my schmickeroony lightbox does for my photo-taking ability, which frankly, is rather crummy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The blog's return

Monday, July 27, 2009
My goodness, I really have neglected my blog! But as I now have no-one to talk to bar my almost six-month old gurgler during the day (and such scintillating conversation that is), I thought I might return to blathering into the web-sphere.
Sat down today and made two pendants - yes two!!

My Millie Moo-Ma slept so well today during her naps that I had ample time to (no, not clean the house!) construct some jewellery. How exciting! I have yet to list them on Etsy, so maybe they'll go into my little collection at Handmade Heaven. We'll see.

A bewdiful gemmy piece of rhodochrosite!

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